CASE STUDY:  Read how Barb is making an amazing female transformation at over 50 years of age!

Case Study: Barb, before and after working with THINK Holistic FitnessBarb...before and after photos, 3-months

1.     Before finding us, what was your struggle?


Before coming to your studio (It’s hard for me not to call it a gym…..but it’s SO much more than a gym!!), I truly thought I was on the path like SO many other women in the mid 50’s.  I’d had a hysterectomy at the age of 36 and have been on HRT ever since.  My weight every year became a struggle finally hitting the 145 pound mark.  This is 20 pounds more than what I used to consider my highest weight of 125 (in my early 30’s)!  My hardest struggle was losing at best 10 pounds all to hit a plateau, not lose any more, give up and start my binge eating and drinking….all to put all the weight I’d just lost back on…..this is the cycle I was in for years!!  


2.     What were your biggest frustrations? 

My biggest frustration was cycle of losing, gaining, giving up, not really having the support system I needed and especially frustrated because I knew it wasn’t going to be easy theolder I get!


3.      How did your struggle and frustrations affect your life? What did you feel like before you made your transformation?


Because of the vicious cycles I was in for many years, I never wanted my husband to see me anywhere naked… was very embarrassing to know that I’d ‘let’ myself so, although I tried and tried to lose the weight and stay in reasonable shape.  I never wanted my husband to touch me even with clothes on because I knew he could feel my soft layers of fat, along with the rolls that were even bigger on my back, and my bra area…a HUGE embarrassment!  


 4. How did our program help you?

Jennifer truly takes a holistic approach to your specific needs.  Her team includes Physical Therapist, Erin Blankenship, PT and a Nurse Practitioner which makes the program she offers NO one can offer or I just don’t think it exits anywhere in our area!

Jennifer works on your conditioning abilities to make sure you are performing the exercises correctly to obtain the FULL benefit.  

In 3 months, I’ve seen more improvement than I did going to Crossfit in 3 years.  When you perform exercises the correct way you reap the benefits and see results!!  I can’t wait to see my results in the next 3 months!!

5. How is THINK different from other programs you may have tried?

THINK looks at you individually, holistically!  Jennifer tailors your program specifically to you and your ability to perform exercises correctly to obtain the best results.  I used to go to another local cross fit gym and although I loved the people, the exercises began to take a toll on my body.  I injured my knee, shoulder, lower back and neck.  In the 3 months I’ve been at THINK, I’ve basically gained more strength and have become toned than the 3+ years I did cross fit.  


6. How is life different for you now?  

WOW – I lost 15 pounds (actually 15.2), looking forward to losing my last 4.8.  Jennifer is committed to each one of her clients to help you reach your goals.  

I have much more confidence than I did before.  She gives me the encouragement to keep going!  The information and videos that she shares with your clients is nothing short of amazing.  I’m SO happy that I made the call to her when I did.  

I was at my wits end and thought I was going to be like every other woman in her mid 50’s that’s going down a path to being moderately over weight and taking senseless meds to combat all the issues that comes when you get older.  I was on the cusp of being type 2 diabetic, which I totally didn’t understand as it doesn’t run in my family and I didn’t think I was that over weight.  

However, losing the 15 pounds dropped my A1C levels (to determine pre-diabetes)  from 5.8 (on the edge of takingMetformin to lower level) to 5.2.  I did not expect this at all!  It only took me 3 months of working with Jennifer and the Nurse Practitioner she recommended I see to make this happen.  The NP also modified my Hormone Replacement Therapy and I’ve never felt better.  I don’t think I’ve had 1 hot flash since the Hormone Replacement Therapy was changed and this is unbelievable!  

I could keep going…..but all in all my life has changed drastically where I have confidence in me, not just physically but mentally which is over 80% (or more) important.

 I LOVE THINK and Jennifer and her team!  

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