A High Protein Lunch
That Your Waist
and Wallet Will Love

Looking for a high protein lunch that's different, inspiring and affordable? Try ceviche!

Ceviche!! A Refreshing
High Protein Lunch

My husband and I went to Puerto Rico in 2012 - about a year after we met.  In fact, we were going to elope when we got there but we didn't have our rings in time.  So our wedding had to wait until we got back home - then off to the courthouse it was!! 

Anyways, I digress…..what I was trying to talk about was Puerto Rico (which I LOVED by the way) and my CEVICHE experience!!  If you never had ceviche….and if you have never been to Puerto Rico…..you need to experience one if not both of these things!!  I LOVED Puerto Rico - it was absolutely beautiful!!

If you don't know what ceviche is  - it is a popular South American dish and the basic ingredient is raw fish cut into bite size pieces.  The fish is "cooked" by marinating it in an acidic juice like lime, lemon or a vinegar and a variety of spices and seasoning (usually includes chile peppers).

But is it REALLY raw?  Well, sometimes yes.  I have made both the raw version…..and the cooked version that "looks raw".  I prefer to cook the fish, then let it sit in the marinade because of the risk of eating raw fish. I do eat sushi....but the sushi chefs know what they are doing when it comes to handling raw fish.   I, on the other hand....do not.

Traditional ceviche is not cooked but rather the acidic marinade "cooks" the fish because the marinade denatures the protein in fish which firms up the texture - but this method does not kill the bacteria in fish so it is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT that the fish is super fresh. 

Hence the reason why I cook my ceviche!!!

Now don't wrinkle up your nose....you have to try ceviche before you judge.  Plus, ceviche is a great choice of foods to lose belly fat because it's low fat and high in protein.  Plus, since fish is high in protein it also has a high TEF (Thermic Effect of Food) which means your body will burn more calories when trying to digest it. 

Is that enough to bribe you to try ceviche?


peruvian ceviche

Ceviche is light, low calorie and HIGH IN PROTEIN which makes it a perfect high protein lunch and I have even had it for dinner paired with a sweet potato or even jicama fries.  Also, these are some great foods when eating to lose fat!!

Plus, ceviche is a relatively inexpensive at $3.50 per serving. 

Makes 5 - 6 servings.


  • 2 lbs. of a basic firm white fish (sea bass, tilapia, sole or haddock)  -  I  used tilapia and included shrimp in mine. - $11.98
  • 8-10 garlic cloves, chopped - $0.69
  • 1 tsp. salt n/a
  • 1/2 tsp. black pepper - n/a
  • 2-4 teaspoons fresh cilantro (adjust according to taste)
  • 1 habanero or chili pepper - had in my garden :-)
  • 8-12 limes, freshly squeezed and strained to remove pulp (the pulp makes it bitter so be sure to remove it) - $3.99 for a bag
  • 1 red onion, sliced or diced (your preference) - $0.69
  • 1 tsp. freshly grated ginger, *optional



  1. Combine all ingredients except the onion and mix well.
  2. Place red onion on top and let it marinate in the fridge for at least 2-3 hours
  3. Before serving, mix well. 
  4. Don't be afraid if the fish breaks apart - it should!! 
  5. Serve in martini glasses (I don't have any of those so I use a pretty dish or lettuce cups if I have any) and serve with avocado or another cold salad vegetable like corn.


If it's a little scary for you to use raw fish then POACH the fish before marinating it.


Place fish in a pan and cover with water.  Bring it to a boil over high heat, remove from heat, cover and let stand for 5 minutes until just done……not OVER done ;-)

Then continue with directions above from Step 1.

My favorite side dish for a high protein lunch like ceviche is sweet potato fries of even better - JICAMA fries.

Jicama??  What is Jicama?? 

Jicama is a root vegetable that has the texture of a turnip but the taste of an apple.  Jicama has shown to have a positive impact on colon health. 

At 49 calories per cup and only 2 grams of sugar - Jicama is a vegetable to try in place of a sweet potato. 

For more information on the benefits of jicama - visit Dr. Mercola's article.






  • 1 Jicama, peeled and sliced into strips
  • 1/2 - 1 tsp. of olive oil
  • Spices of your choice - you can use:




Onion or Garlic Powder

Seasoned Salt

Adobe Seasoning


Cayenne Pepper




1. Stir olive oil and your seasonings together and toss with jicama strips. 

2. Bake at 400 for about 25 minutes (rotate half way through). 


Voila!!! Serve with your Ceviche….play a little bit of your favorite Latin music….and just pretend for a bit that you are in Puerto Rico :-) and enjoy a unique high protein lunch!!

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